Nick Hordern


Nick Hordern
Image credit: Graham McCarter


Nick grew up in Sydney. After school he worked in a variety of jobs in the Outback, including on the Moomba to Sydney gas pipeline and on a cattle station in the Kimberleys. Eventually he completed a degree at the University of Sydney, the basis of a lifelong interest in Asian history.

For a decade Nick worked in the public service as a diplomat, analyst and policy advisor. Joining the Department of Foreign Affairs, he had postings in Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Later, he worked in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet.

Nick then worked as a political staffer in Parliament House in Canberra before switching to journalism, spending sixteen years with the Australian Financial Review, including as a senior writer.

He now lives on the South Coast of New South Wales, reading a lot, writing a lot, and paddling a kayak around Burrewarra Point.

Nick's Works

The Drunkard by Liu Yichang

The Drunkard

by Liu Yichang, translated by Charlotte Chun-lam Yiu. The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press.

Sydney Noir - The Golden Years, By Michael Duffy and Nick Hordern, NewSouth Press.

Sydney Noir

The Golden Years, By Michael Duffy and Nick Hordern, NewSouth Press.

World War Noir - Sydney’s Unpatriotic War by Michael Duffy and Nick Hordern. NewSouth Publishing.

World War Noir

Sydney’s Unpatriotic War by Michael Duffy and Nick Hordern. NewSouth Publishing.